Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kill all SPID's in a database

One way to kill the the connections in a database is by setting it to 'offline' mode with rollback immediate and then setting it back to 'online' mode. The rollback immediate clause kill all the connections by force.

use master
alter database dbname set offline with rollback immediate
alter database dbname set online

Another way of killing all the connections to a database is by identifying all the SPID's in that database and killing all of them. It can be done using a simple script below. Just use the appropriate database name in place of 'dbname' below.

use master
set quoted_identifier off
declare @cmd nvarchar(200)
declare @spid varchar(100)
declare varcursor cursor for
select spid from master..sysprocesses where db_name(dbid)='dbname'
open varcursor
fetch next from varcursor into @spid
while (@@fetch_status=0)
select @cmd= 
"USE [master]
kill "+@spid+"
print @cmd
exec sp_executesql @cmd
fetch next from varcursor into @spid
close varcursor
deallocate varcursor

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